Thursday, March 7, 2013


To all my friends and dog lovers, Miss Riley was playing outside yesterday and cut her leg (right above her big pad on her foot).  I was out of state and received the news that she was on the way to the Animal Hospital.  Just like receiving the call concerning your child I was devastated that I could not be with her.

The Animal Hospital in Burkesville KY cleaned the injury, which took 3 staples to close.  Antibiotics,  pain medicine a bandage and daddy was ready to bring her home and pamper her.  Her brothers came in and slept near her and watched over her.  She goes back in a week to have the staples removed.

Maggie Mae
As soon as I arrive home tomorrow I will post a picture of her, in the meantime, the picture above is of my "niece"......It sucks to be away, miss her but am lucky enough to spend a few days with my sister Carolyn and my "niece" Maggie Mae.....she is a beauty!!!  Her cousins Kody, Bo and Riley sent her some of their homemade dog food and she loves it!!  She is returning the favor by sending home some bones......aren't cousins great.

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