Monday, September 24, 2012

Short LOVE Story

I wrote this TRUE story just hours after it occurred. My first thought was to send to the two people that brought us these puppies Debbie Moncrief from RCAS in Wedowee AL and Debbie Kelly from SparKY from Owensboro KY. But then because of the awesome weekend with Emmaus and the effect that it has had on my life, I wanted to share with all. (September 24, 2012)

It was one of the first cool evening of fall, a nip in the air.  We had fallen into bed exhausted after a long week and sleep was almost immediate.  I was snuggled under the covers when suddenly Miss Riley our puppy starts to bark.  I grab my pillow and roll over willing the barking to cease but alas she is persistent.
Then I heard at a distance, near the woods her “brother” Kody barking.  Not a normal bark but a deep bark as if her were saying to something or someone, “stay away from my little sister”. When Kody began barking, Riley came to the window and scratched frantically and began to whine, as if to say “mommy, mommy let me in I am so afraid.”  Knowing this was a rare reaction, I ran to the window and as I opened it, Riley catapulted through the window ran to the living room and jumped in the chair that I normally sit in.  She curled up in a ball and looked at me with those huge loving eyes that now appeared calm where just moments ago there was fear.  She fell to sleep in an instance and slept for hours.  Just at the moment that she looked at me, her “brother’s” barking ceased as if he knew she was now safe. 
When I awoke the next morning sitting in the other chair, it dawned on me that we as humans are much like Riley.  When we are afraid, hurt, hungry or lonely all we want is for someone that we love and trust to say “it’s okay, I am here for you and I will take care of you”….now isn’t that what we have in God?  All we have to do is ask, go to him and he will see that if you truly believe in him and know that Jesus died for your sins, you will live with him for eternity in heaven.  As we all know, all dogs and all of God’s children go to heaven so my beloved pets will be romping on the streets of gold with me forever!

Taken 5/16/12 Big brother protecting his little sister!

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