Saturday, August 10, 2013

Doggie Additions

A few months ago, a neighbors dog "adopted" us.  She had 5 puppies and was not receiving enough to eat.  When she came in the drive, I had to feed her, as she was so thin for supplying milk for her puppies.  The next thing I know she came back down the road carrying her toys!  We found homes for the puppies.

After speaking to the neighbor we decided to take her in and have her fixed.  When we called the vet, he was all booked up for the month and then, it was TOO LATE.  We now are the proud grandparents of 10 cute little puppies.  They are a week old today and although we haven't been able to get a good picture of the "crowd"  below is a picture of mama (aka Shadow) and some candid pictures of the babies

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